Thursday, April 14, 2016

For Real Farewell

This blog is now coming to an end. I hope I was able to provide you with some great information on how to write an essay and how to love literature and how to love yourself and to be yourself. I hope I was able to accomplish at least one of those things. This concludes not only the class of English 1010, but also my freshman year at USU. What a rollercoaster.
A few things I would like to end off with; believe in yourself and your work; don't settle for less than what you are capable of. If you want to write, then write, but write well and with intention.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Almost Farewell

Looking over my blog posts for the year, I have encountered a theme. I used humor when explaining my processes, so therefore this humor I used transferred into my directions which in turn asked my readers to use more humor within their writing. Not necessarily to be funny within the essay or even speak of humorous content, or content with a humorous tone, but to, when writing, use humor upon yourself. Be easy on yourself. At least you are writing the essay; at least you are putting your literature out in the world. So, the methodology used when explaining writing an essay is put simply; use your emotion and your ability to feel to write literature for others. Many times we forget that being human, and being emotional, are great things. Take what is in your heart and create words. Take our society, and our languages, and our lovely ability to think and write and feel, and create. Release your soul into our word culture. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


The importance of an introduction is it literally introduces your essay; like you have one chance to grab that reader and thats it; make it count. Introduce that essay like you got one day to live!!! Your audience wants to hear the life-changing and ever-important material that your essays ALWAYS are cause you are an esssay superstar. So pretty much go ahead and let them know how you'll accomplish making your point. The introduction also keeps that audience in the know about what your essay is about and if they even want to read it. If the intro sucks, you'll lose readers. So what is the perfect intro? I mean every one has their preference. So ya, an outline for an introduction that will WORK, will hook your audience into your essay and keep them there.  Then, go ahead and introduce the topic that you're essay will slay and then deliver that info by stating how you will convey your points. Then state that topic sentence and drop down into your glorious essay. Bam. Perfect. 

Process Explaination ...what is what and how do I do it

The steps that are included in the Process Explainations are pretty much the following:
So when conducting your essay writing process, you pretty much "word vomit" your essay down onto paper, then go back and recollect your thoughts and organize it into a reasonable, readable essay. Then once you get your body parapgraphs done, you conclude your essay and then you write your inroduction. It seems weird that I'm telling you to do it backwards but trust me, getting the point of your essay down, concluding it then taking your essay matter and creating an introduction with it is so much easier. NOW GO WRITE AN ESSAY! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

SPRING into action with Classification and Division!

Three things:
  • 1.     Spring break wasn’t long enough!
  • 2.    Jetlag is real and it is horrid
  • 3.    Don’t eat the coral trout of northern Australia
  • The extended definition of classification and division, in my lovely words,  is the process that is used to gather and section information from a source, and then turn around and present the information to your readers. Along with that, it can also be used to divide the different areas and categories of information that you found within your source. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

plain ol' blog 9A

In the article i chose, the first phrase was "Animal Husbandry", which when put simply, means raising and caring for animals, and the process in which you do it. The second phrase is "stable environment for working cattle", which means that when working cattle, having a stable environment means having a calm, collected process in which they go through that minimizes stress.  The third one is "successful processing" which means that the process (eat tagging, castrating ect.) is done safety and successfully without death or large harm.