Thursday, January 21, 2016

Using the rhetoric thing

In my English 1010 class, we had to write an essay analyzing rhetoric. The narrative we were asked to analyze was about sustainability. The narrative I analyzed speaks about the global warming theory. In this narrative the author uses historical events to support his argument. These events were natural disasters that killed thousands of people, which brought severe distress to anyone involved in the natural disasters; he uses their emotion to get their attention. This is rhetoric; specifically allusion.
                       Using tools like allusion is a very smart way to engage readers. There is nothing people like more than to feel emotion when reading; it makes everything more interesting. The definition of Allusion is, in summary, a figure of explication. Using a brief or casual reference to a famous person, historical event, or place. In modern times of technology, many people refer to social media as well. It is not limited to just a famous person, historical event, or place.  The best stories are the ones that make you think. 


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