Saturday, January 30, 2016

Peer Review

Everyone always gets so embarrassed when it comes time to pass around their work to get it reviewed by their peers. I used to be that way! But in all honesty, they most likely feel the same way. I'm sure that everyone is worried their work sucks.

That's the whole point of peer review; getting another set of eyes on your paper, to help you build on the masterpiece you created. When you look at your own paper for a long time, you stop seeing the flaws in it. You skip right past the little things because as a whole, that paper is your creation and you are proud of it. I just realized I made a great reference to relationships with humans. The more you love them the more their flaws seem small.

Moving on though, you may be embarrassed to pass your paper around, but don't be. Everyone in the circle is in your same position. Just accept the advice and improve your paper.

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